Friday, July 12, 2013

A New Project On the Horizon.

Long time...and no post I know, but that's mostly 'cause its just the norm around this ol' little bird farm!  However wheels have been put into motion for a new project and there is potential it could be an exciting one to follow!

We have been busy beyond belief at the ice cream shop (thank you!), but in our minds are busy scheming about a beautiful renovation to our parking/side yard for home for the fall or spring of 2014.

A great meeting/consultation with folks from Ramsdell's Landscaping yesterday, now anxious to see what they come up with for ideas and plans.  Having reached out to Focal Point Gardens and realizing although they share a passion for my favorite color (BLUE!) we didn't really jive for working together on this project.  Snug Harbor Farm  will be our other consideration if Ramsdell's doesn't feel quite right, as we've always adored their facility and passion for birds!

After stalking a number of properties (admiring their landscaping features) for a number of months, I finally had to snap a couple quick shots yesterday to share with Aneta & Drew from Ramsdell's.  I then went back to a Pinterest board I had created for this project and reviewed...being reminded I had a number of ideas I really liked for walkways...I added a few to give them a complete concept of where my thoughts are...LOVE pinterest for this purpose!

So - thought I'd share the Pinterest board for you all to see (those that want to follow).

Are we ready for another project at Vanilla Farm?! Here. We. Go !

The Concept (stalking victim) of paver parking (on left) & Pavers at road (ours will not have drive into barn though....)