Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Some new developments at #64....

Frannie turned 5 months old & is taking after her mama...happy to sleep till 7am now! (& go to bed at 8!!) this is a huge improvement over 5:30- hallelujah!
She's getting much longer and "harder" as Scott describes it (which "harder" she is in more than just the muscle mass sort of way!)...a bit less "puppy"..she is now turning into a lean mean vizsla machine!
Frannie first couple days at home...2 months old. (March '11)

5 months old...
"I'm sitting ...really butt just isn't actually touching....just in case I need to get up and chase something"

The pooch...

Frannie...practicing her hunting pose...tail up girl!

She also is losing things....regularly- TEETH.. that is!! we've found 2 just this week!  We imagine she may have lost others and swallowed them...but we have these 2- and yes Dad,...they ARE going in her baby book!

We also decided to "get serious" about parenting her this week...she got a new bed, which she is suppose to lie in and NOT on Sadie's bed...this is to protect Sadie from the annoying sharp toothed sister...and give them a bit of space....she spends most of her time doing the following with her bed...
if someone gave me a new bed/mattress full of orthopedic foam- I certainly wouldn't do that!  NOT a good citizen quite yet!

Just tonight she figured out if she dragged her bed over onto Sadie's, then she "technically" was following the rules because she WAS in fact "on" her own bed! oh my!  She did this all on her own- it was quite a laugh when I glanced up and saw this!!!  Too cute!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It finally happened....& a celebration followed!  After almost a year of attempting to finance our home, today it was done! 
At 3pm, in South Portland we were able to sign on many lines (none dotted by the way)...and made it official.  We now have a "real loan" as we call it...and we were able to pay our kind private lender back-finally! 
We went for a "snack" in downtown Portland, and after a bit of contemplating we decided to stay home at #64 instead of a fancy dinner out..and had a fancy dinner the house we have worked so hard on, and worked so hard to have!

We celebrated the night w/ lobsters & steamers & a fine Eric Ross wine we've been keeping on hand for "something special" since our trip to Sonoma last spring...& today was certainly something special!!
Scott thought to dine al fresco, so he set us up on the front porch, and it really was quite lovely!  We have decided I think to screen in our porch and start to use it a bit more...Randy- are you listening...we need you AGAIN!! :)

Frannie meets her first lobster....totally scared! (not scared of the vacuum or lawn mower...but a lobster-lol!)

Sure you don't want to see this?

A little more interested now...

The celebratory setting....

no, it's not a ghost in the stain glass window...its Emily, who happened to be looking out at the wrong (or right) time when Scott snapped a shot!

yum!!! lobsters from a fish market in Arundel-very good & fresh!

diggin' in!

Friday, June 3, 2011

& outside we go!

Naturally the house being complete inside, the weather being beautiful....we have begun working outside.  I am thankful for having a "mature" property...although it has been years since anyone has cared for the property, we are blessed with having a lot of "established plantings" to work with, it just involves lots of digging and dragging...(ha-who needs the gym!) 
One of my first goals was to complete the front entry...which is really the side entry I guess, but the main entry for the house....the right side of the door is a very well established large bed of white hydrangea, we got to see this late last summer, and the blossoms were HUGE!  This bed needs some edging, new dirt/nourishment and has already been trimmed back drastically last fall to protect them for men walking all over the plantings while insulating, siding, plumbing and the like...

The left side was all new bare ground from the handy to have 3 Rhododendrons (not my fav, but readily available!), the fact is these were planted (ALL 3) on top of the azalea shrub in front of house- why in the world anyone would plant 4 shrubs even when small sprigs that close together is beyond me...but I have given up spending too much time wondering these things about the past residents of 64 High St...we moved these Rhodys when the ground was "just" unfrozen...really we had no business moving them that early, but we did, and they are hardy gals, and took! 

We chose to have no grass in this area, so have planted about 50 small Pachysandra (Japanese Spurge) plantings which will over the next 2-3 years fill the ground, along with 3 hostas that will grow to be 2' x 2' so now its water & wait for a few more years....the landscaping of this area has unfortunately made it that much more evident that our driveway will perhaps sooner than later, need some attention.

I wanted something tall by the doors in the fab pots I had scored at Marshalls late winter...I finally got to a garden center I had been wanting to visit, Focal Point, in Arundel and the gent kindly helped me select 2 white Mandevillas...I created a couple tee pees w/ branches from the yard & we'll see what happens!  While there I spotted some good looking "hens and chicks" which Scott had mentioned to me he loved...(of course) and had been thinking about "reclaiming" from the yard at Gendron Dr. where he grew up, because he had planted some of his Gram McNeff's there years ago...I purchased 2 of them without knowing where exactly I'd put them, just hoping this would appease Scott to not "reclaim" the others....although he does love a late night "mission".....!
I used some large stones I had purchased in Dover NH for stepping stones, which hadn't come to fruition, and beach stones we had left from our shower floor!  He was surprised when arriving home late from work to be greeted by hens & chicks at the door! :)
our Hens & Chicks....and beach stones...

Okay, so use your imagination'll get better in time....!

This is what Pachysandra will eventually fill into....

This is a heart garden stone our friends and loyal blog followers, Fran & George, kindly gave to us!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's that you say....a closing day?

To all of you, who have been privy to the painstakingly long process of getting ourselves "officially financed"...or I should say, getting "#64 officially financed" as she turned into being the problem's official, we have a date and a time to close, all conditions & terms in our favor.

I continue to just say to myself and others aloud, "I cannot believe we are really closing" seems surreal as it has gone on so long.  I am realizing I was not sure it was ever actually going to happen!

Perhaps I will share the details of the "behind the scenes struggle" in future posts, but for today, I just want to celebrate!

Next Wednesday at 3pm, we will be able to pay our very kind and patient private lender back in full, and hold our heads high that the project was indeed a smart move, and equity is aplenty, and a beautiful house, (& soon to be yard) is ours to live & to love for many years to come!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hope Cemetery

In the last few days, since Scott has been arriving home around midnight due to the Scoop Deck now being open, I've taken to escaping with Frannie early in the morning allowing Scott & Sadie to get their beauty sleep. Since moving to Kennebunk I have been drawn to the Hope Cemetery which sits just at the intersection of Rte 1 and rte 35/9A (to KPT).... It sounds strange perhaps to be "drawn" to a cemetery, but even from the road driving by it elicits this peace, quiet & beauty.  After passing it many times in the car wanting to walk in and look it over, I finally did yesterday morning.  It's an amazing place, there is nothing "tacky" or showy about it (actually a "rule" of the cemetery), there are these old well worn dirt tracks on grass roads weaving their way thru the very old stones & memorials, beautiful mature trees, and a sense of peace and shade, and quiet...all that a cemetery should be in my opinion.  I see the men working each morning and I keep thinking, no matter what this pays, this is a great job, to be able to be on this property all day long.  Now I know, some of you may be thinking I'm overlooking the obvious, there are "dead people" here!  Well, to some of you that may be your view, not mine...there are bodies decomposing, going back to the Earth, spirits have gone, and perhaps a new life in a new form has begun.  So to me, it is a beautiful, quiet, respectful place, where life is making its full circle.
This property has caused me to think about how beautiful a town we have moved to, I often appreciate it, as I think to myself how quaint the downtown is, and how much of a "community" feel there is about.  I am constantly amazed how often someone waves, or says hello or good morning while I am out walking (none of these folks do I know...).  There truly is a sense of friendliness about the town.  I have personally seen a downtown area fall to ruin due to many factors, a couple being lack of city government interest/vision, and another lack of community support.  It's been astounding to see such a dedication from both town gov't and residents using services & having interest in the short time we've been here.  I've made it a personal commitment to support and appreciate all the resources that exist now in our community.
I decided to snap a few photos to share my view of our community from our morning walk this am.

It's a bit blurry, but any of you that know Frannie, know she doesn't sit still too long for anything-especially a mother slow w/ camera! LOL!

A quiet morning downtown Kennebunk...

Frannie & I both appreciate the water bowl outside the yummy Perfectos Caffe each morning! (awesome place!!)

The beautiful side entry of the Kennebunk Inn & their Academe Brasserie & Tavern

The front lawn of the Kennebunk Free Library, beautiful inside & out, and very pleasant staff- the lawn looks so welcoming...

A beautiful arbor at the parsonage beside the library

Just found this picture...this is the church and the library...amazing how similar they both are today (the arbor pic (above) is on the left of the church, wonder if it was there then or is new?

The entry to Hope Cemetery, see how the road kind of draws you back in wonder of what is down this quaint road....

back to the library, these appeared when the weather got nice, I love the idea of having a place to sit and read outside.

These banners are up and change depending on seasons I believe...this one is marked w/ a name & "class of 2008" I think, perhaps there was a contest of sorts to submit ideas...

cool old pump, marked "do not drink" ( thanks!), outside the Kennebunk,K& W Water District building,
 The Horace House

the Mousam River ....taken from the temporary bridge, as the old bridge is under a complete replacement....

again, from the temporary bridge, Scott & I love this little house on the far left of pic, what a cool backyard.... and the sounds of the Mousam to sleep to....