Thursday, April 12, 2012


A day long awaited by all (including neighbors!) we burned "the" brush pile!!
This pile contained tons of yard waste we have unearthed in the last 1.5 of working on the property & of a considerable amount of construction debris!!

Conditions allowed & Scott diligently went to work on it yesterday a.m!!

Right: Fire fighter Frannie, (FFF), keeping a close watch...

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Safe home.

safe home. & happy.

& hallelujah- real coffee!! ( nice try w/ that "healthy sugar" R&K... After 3 wks- Not a chance!!)

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Location:High St,,United States

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bare feet

There are people all over this airport w/ out shoes on, (which is common place in NZ) (are you cringing Dad?!)
Scott says he hopes they're destination isn't anywhere cold.. I told him I hope it was no where civilized!!!
Scott loving to be barefoot as well paid the price yesterday, when he got stung by a bee in the bottom of his bare foot while walking across the grass! ( he is mildly allergic...although not quite willing to admit it!) I finally got to use that well prepared first aid kit I packed & he survived after a few hrs of pain, numbness & swelling... ( no trip to hospital - Thank Goodness!!)

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Plastic ware

What if I ordered a steak... Still a plastic knife?

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Location:Unnamed Rd,San Francisco,United States