In the last few days, since Scott has been arriving home around midnight due to the
Scoop Deck now being open, I've taken to escaping with Frannie early in the morning allowing Scott & Sadie to get their beauty sleep. Since moving to Kennebunk I have been drawn to the Hope Cemetery which sits just at the intersection of Rte 1 and rte 35/9A (to KPT).... It sounds strange perhaps to be "drawn" to a cemetery, but even from the road driving by it elicits this peace, quiet & beauty. After passing it many times in the car wanting to walk in and look it over, I finally did yesterday morning. It's an amazing place, there is nothing "tacky" or showy about it (actually a "rule" of the cemetery), there are these old well worn dirt tracks on grass roads weaving their way thru the very old stones & memorials, beautiful mature trees, and a sense of peace and shade, and quiet...all that a cemetery should be in my opinion. I see the men working each morning and I keep thinking, no matter what this pays, this is a great job, to be able to be on this property all day long. Now I know, some of you may be thinking I'm overlooking the obvious, there are "dead people" here! Well, to some of you that may be your view, not mine...there are bodies decomposing, going back to the Earth, spirits have gone, and perhaps a new life in a new form has begun. So to me, it is a beautiful, quiet, respectful place, where life is making its full circle.
This property has caused me to think about how beautiful a town we have moved to, I often appreciate it, as I think to myself how quaint the downtown is, and how much of a "community" feel there is about. I am constantly amazed how often someone waves, or says hello or good morning while I am out walking (none of these folks do I know...). There truly is a sense of friendliness about the town. I have personally seen a downtown area fall to ruin due to many factors, a couple being lack of city government interest/vision, and another lack of community support. It's been astounding to see such a dedication from both town gov't and residents using services & having interest in the short time we've been here. I've made it a personal commitment to support and appreciate all the resources that exist now in our community.
I decided to snap a few photos to share my view of our community from our morning walk this am.
It's a bit blurry, but any of you that know Frannie, know she doesn't sit still too long for anything-especially a mother slow w/ camera! LOL! |
A quiet morning downtown Kennebunk... |
Frannie & I both appreciate the water bowl outside the yummy Perfectos Caffe each morning! (awesome place!!) |
The front lawn of the Kennebunk Free Library, beautiful inside & out, and very pleasant staff- the lawn looks so welcoming... |
A beautiful arbor at the parsonage beside the library
Just found this picture...this is the church and the library...amazing how similar they both are today (the arbor pic (above) is on the left of the church, wonder if it was there then or is new?
The entry to Hope Cemetery, see how the road kind of draws you back in wonder of what is down this quaint road.... |
back to the library, these appeared when the weather got nice, I love the idea of having a place to sit and read outside. |
These banners are up and change depending on seasons I believe...this one is marked w/ a name & "class of 2008" I think, perhaps there was a contest of sorts to submit ideas... |
cool old pump, marked "do not drink" ( thanks!), outside the Kennebunk,K& W Water District building,
The Horace House |
the Mousam River ....taken from the temporary bridge, as the old bridge is under a complete replacement.... |
again, from the temporary bridge, Scott & I love this little house on the far left of pic, what a cool backyard.... and the sounds of the Mousam to sleep to.... |
Great pics, Emily! And I love cemeteries for all the reasons you mentioned... especially Parisian ones. :)