& upon entering we encountered a cricket game!! ( most similar to baseball- but different for sure!!)
We found a nice little sunny spot & enjoyed our picnic! (lamb sandwiches!!) :)
Shortly after eating we discovered a golden retriever wandering around... after a few inquires we realized she was lost!!
She had a bad odor to her, so we encouraged her to bathe a bit ( & also teach Chase (R&R's dog) to like the water!)
We quickly named the dog quite appropriately, Stinky.
A quick lesson then ensued in how NZ gov't works/ & doesn't work: Stinky had a tag on her pretty collar- so we "rang the council" (it's a Sunday)- we're told by the useless dispatcher that the animal control lady is busy, can't come, she cannot give us the address or name of the owner due to privacy ( they don't put names etc on tags here just registration #s & then you call the dept to help...), they cannot give us a time frame when the animal control lady can pick up Stinky & actually suggest we just let Stinky go (WHAT?!) even worse, when Rachel tells her we were planning on going to the beach nearby to walk our dog so we'll take Stinky along... she ACTUALLY implies we'd be " kidnapping" the dog!!!! The cell phone is hung up by Rachel & flung into the car ( as we're all sitting beside the car w/ 2 dogs in wait.) LOL Squared!!
Rachel's cell phone rings back- the dispatcher... This time Rosemary has to answer because Rachel now has understandably lost her temper! The dispatcher revokes her "kidnapping" comment & we let her know we'll be taking the dog to the beach & carrying on w/ our day plans & the animal control officer can call us when she is available...
We're off:
Off we go to the black sand beach & then hokey pokey ice cream!!
We treated Stinky to a fun day at the beach (many attempts involving me on the sea trying to clean stinky- even though she continually rolled on the sand EVERY 5 min!! :) The "kidnapping" comment provided out of control laughter from all of us... Here's Scott losing his mind laughing:
We finally got a call from the A.C.O. & we arranged a "handover" of Stinky at the Mobil station...!!! What a very funny day !!!
- Posted using BlogPress from after a long rainy day of travel, here's my iPhone
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