Monday, October 4, 2010

The Writing is on The Walls....

About 2 weeks ago, I thought to "google" the folks name I found written on 3 walls of the house underneath the wallpaper.  It was "Phyllis and Curtis Tolman and the dates were in '73 and '78".  I found out sadly that Mr. Tolman had passed away, this led me to knowing however that they lived in Old Saybrook, CT (ironically one of the only 2 towns in CT I've ever spent significant time in!), Being a bit of a sleuth as I am, I figured out Mrs.Tolman was still residing in their home, and I decided to write & mail a letter to her asking her a bit about the property, how she came to being there (because I couldn't find "Tolman" on the deed so I knew she didn't ever own it.) I knew it was a bit of a chance, but what did I have to lose? I was/am craving to know more about the home we are going to inhabit!

I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I checked my emails, to find a return response from Mrs.Phyllis Tolman!  I of course wrote back with a thousand more questions which continue to surface!!

Dear Emily.

I received your letter and was sadden to learn the house was in such "horrible condition" and in "terrible shape" Believe me it was well kept house for many years.

My folks (George & Helen Clark) purchased the house in the early 1930s from Richard & Irene Dresser.  My brothers and I lived there until we were married in the late 1940s.

My Mother lived there until her death in 1980.

After my Father passed away, Curt and I papered all the rooms between 1973 and 1978.  In most cases all the old wallpaper (many layers) were removed before adding the new paper.

Hope this answers some of your questions.

Phyllis Clark Tolman


  1. Howdy,

    My mom, Phyllis Tolman, gave me the blog address. I've many many memories of my grandparent's home and am pleased that someone is fixing it up. To me as a child, the yard, house and barn seemed huge. My grandfather had two large gardens and we kids had a swing set in the side by the driveway. I grew up in CT however we spent most holidays and school vacations in Maine.

  2. Linda, thank you for sharing your memories, we are hoping to make many new memories for years to come. I am so pleased your mom and yourself have taken the time and interest in responding and checking out our blog. It means a lot to us, and has made the project a lot more fun! Know we have loved this property from the very first time we set foot on it, and went to all extremes to make it happen! We have found excellent loam in the backyard and cannot wait to garden next year! I hope we'll have as good a luck as your grandfather!

  3. This is brilliant. I love it.
