Well we're in! I'm exhausted & Scott & I have had more temper tantrums than we perhaps had in the last 6 months total in the last 4 days! Today I spent a half hour on the phone getting tech support, a trip to the devil's workshop (WalMart), and then 3.5 hours on the phone again w/ folks which english is not their first language we'll say...and finally after thinking I totally messed up Scott's computer BIG TIME- we have all systems a go- and wireless internet! OMG how can something so small be so hard!
Scott has been feeling the pain of "hanging things up" Oh, I remember when I thought painting was fun...(yeah, on the first room!) how quickly that dies! Well, as I mentioned in a previous post, he was all anxious to get things "up on the walls"....now he dreads everytime I say, "can you help me for a minute"...(he knows what's coming!) (fyi...real plaster walls are an animal all their own - as we've learned- and a simple nail does not go into them....there is an art to hanging things in this house!
Our first night was a bit rough- our friends Randy & Kristen joined us for some pizza as our oven was still not operable....we had fun- a bit too much fun maybe (due to that champagne Kristen was so kind to bring over), we both spent Monday moving around a bit slowly till noon...I went to yoga at 8:30 & was a bit in a fog deciding which was my left & right foot at times! :) our mattress was hard as a rock, "firm" I guess you could call it....so we improved on 2nd night, by "drying out" and adding our LLBean feather bed on top of the mattress....ahhh, much better!
The electricians just left now, after 2 very busy days, we almost have everything working in the house...a few outlets & dryer/washer still to go- we're getting there.....for sure! We no longer have extension cords to trip on in the middle of the night! Thank God!
I'll post a lot more in the next week or so, sorry to all who have been missing my foolish posts- lack of internet and making the most of every moment has been critical- but I will make up for it all pics too- promise!
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