Our hope has been to complete our bedroom & have running water- and begin to truly make Vanilla Farm our home. Our bedroom is very very close! The floor primed last week...we got 2 coats of floor paint on it in the last couple days....baseboard prep & 1 coat of paint today.....on our way!
We are still waiting for the fabulous electrician, Steve, to finish electrical outlets and for the plumbers to move the heat register 90 degrees to another wall...a bit of touch up & furniture could be moved in to this room!

The floors upstairs were painted, well....painted around large rugs that must have been there at one time...Scott painstakingly tapped all the nails deeper in, sanded the floors where needed and vacuumed & vacuumed....
we ended up liking the grey/blue that was on the floor w/the wall color, and decided to try to match it! We think it came out great- it is glossy here, 'cause it's wet still but has dried to a nice soft finish.
Pete & Scott setting the top countertop...we are waiting for brackets to arrive for the island to be secure....Pete has devised a cool cleat like system to hold the top of the non-working side in place...(Ali-see my dishwasher!) :)
we are CRAZY happy about the wood countertops- they are THE BEST!....other than the sink, which still has my heart! (sorry Scott!)
One day soon, this "tool mess" will be gone, and 4 bar stools will appear! Like MAGIC!
"You are suppose to be PAINTING Scott!!!" "I am." he replies. ....oy vey!
Let me show you, this is how you paint!
God I look good, you'd never know I've been wearing this outfit 4 days a week to paint for a month...My father mentioned in passing yesterday, "you have paint all over you.".....really?! :)- that's so unusual! I have begun yearning for the day I do not have to wear a "painting outfit", & have Alex Plus paintable caulk all over my hands!
Scott couldn't help himself, he was excited to get out all of his rugs....they do look really great w/ the painted walls & refinished floors....he declared this his favorite room... (mostly 'cause its almost done!) I meanwhile am fingers deep in prepping baseboard....(old walls, straight baseboard lines)....& best a plasterer that didn't quite want to trowel down far enough to below the baseboard- FUN, FUN! (almost there- this room, our office too is quite close to complete!)
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