Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm King of The Hill!!

So the gents from Up-Country have been taking advantage of the warm weather & have been siding away...the neighbors & ourselves could not be more pleased!  They made it to the front of the house today- a delight I squeeled about!  & documented with pictures....(they were pleased as you can imagine when I went back inside to paint!)

Did you ever play "King of The Hill" when you were young?....something about Jeff's stance makes me immediately think of this!  (I think Jeff is still playing...)

Sorry Jeff, couldn't help myself!


Before- July 2010 (before demo etc...)

Mid process....something missing?

Feb 2011...after demo & rebuild & now siding!! (can't wait till spring to get those barn doors painted!)

The original posts are able to go back on!  (just when I was thinking painting projects were getting wrapped up!)
I am psyched the guys are onto the front of the house!!  The siding goes SO much slower than I ever I have grown to appreciate each and every one of the pieces of siding that goes on!


Believe it or not this is "our" living room....indeed looking a lot like a living room!!  The Up-Country guys brought me (in exchange for lunch) my couch & a few other pieces of furniture!  well worth the trade I think! 
Ignore the couch- the slipcovers are in the wash!

Does anyone know where the legs are to this chair?  lol!  They at some point became seperated from the chair (they're new)....and we are hoping & praying as a last resort that they are in my Volvo...(which for 31 days & counting) has been at the body shop in Biddeford....(no it's not that damaged- just waiting for a part from SWEDEN!  & apparently even though "you or I" could fly there in a day & a half...a part for the Volvo takes 3 weeks! (good news- it did actually arrive at the body shop today!- hallelujah!) 

I have begun working a bit more upstairs, as the downstairs truly is well under way!  The library ceiling got primed & 1 coat of paint applied....we moved our bed into our bedroom & washed more windows...the place is starting to look like a home- I'm really excited....& really tired! Time to go back to real "work" for the week now!

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