Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The most beautiful thing, an army of men arrived!

This morning a beautiful thing happened....a small army of men came & rescued me! 
Last night I was so very tired of painting...& felt I had all too much still to do....I knew our painter was coming today to paint the second coat in the kitchen and the trim in the kitchen which I was ever so thankful for...however I arrived to 5 painters who were going to work "1 full day and get as much done as they could"....hallelujah!  I was done being the hero, I was now the damsel in distress & ever so happy to be rescued!  Those amazing men painted for 6 or 7 hours straight far quicker than I ever could imagine- Scott & I just figured they did what would have taken me about 45 hours to do!  I have NO idea what they will cost me- but I am SO happy they came!  The house really looks great & so much is coming together now!

Here are some pics from today's progress:

A beautiful site.....lots of cars, means lots of people working!

don't jump Bill! (please note Dad, Bill has paint ALL OVER him too & he's a professional!)

This is Troy, he was my pal as we worked in the same room for most of the day....little talk, but a nice guy- and as I pointed in my "damsel in distress" mode,- "that window over there needs one more coat," he played the "hero" part well!

This window was quite intimidating to us...but this gent seemed not to bat an eye at it-wow!

So what were we doing while "they" were painting...well, I did paint quite a bit still, but I also got to wash the windows in the office- as the trim paint was dry & set for a couple I not only washed the glass, I washed the vinyl window itself- wow- gross!  They were filthy...but nothing a Mr.Clean sponge, a scraper & windex couldn't handle!  WHAT an improvement- amazing!  (now we feel like everyone can see us! Blinds are next! :)-  )

the fact these windows were replaced sometime in the last 10 years is a blessing, & the fact they tip in is wonderful!

Its hard to appreciate in the pic, but the one on the right is filthy, left one has been cleaned! I think the past owners were perhaps smokers....the windows are covered w/ soot like black...

I came across the pic below just yesterday & was blown away by how far we've come, and how quickly I have forgotten just how far we've come, and have grown impatient w/the process....this was a well timed reminder....
1-10-11 before pic

2-9-11 ready for furniture....

& one more.....
dining room 1-4-11

getting there...2-8-11

looking more like a finished dining room everyday! 2-9-11

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